Forebygger beinhinnebetennelse

Shin Splints: Runners of all levels fear this dreaded affliction. Although normally striking newer runners, even seasoned ground-pounders can be sidetracked by this painful problem. Let’s go over the facts, and some tips to help you prevent or treat your injury. What are shin splints? There can be many causes, but a simple way to explain […]...

Blatchford er co-partner i MovAID prosjektet

Blatchford is proud to be a co-ordinating partner of the €5.95M Horizon 2020 project MovAiD. MovAiD is a cross-disciplinary project joining a consortium of companies under Horizon 2020 EU Program. It aims at developing technologies assisting manufacturing of intelligent, “passive” and highly personalised kineto-dynamic equipment (Movement Assistive Devices) to enhance or compensate human mo...

7 myter om innleggssåler

1. When it comes to shoe insoles, softer = better. Completely soft insoles are not only ineffective, but they actually “pamper the problem”. You may find that initially you love the feeling of slipping your foot into a shoe with a soft, cushiony insole, but in reality those types of insoles do nothing to fix the root problem: misalignment […]...

Løpe prosjektet i Polen

David House and Joe McCarthy travelled to Warsaw with amputee demonstrator Lee Boxall for a two day running skills workshop. The event was hosted by our business partner in Poland; Orto-Centrum Ltd. Over 25 clinicians attended the workshop with sessions led by David House on the theory of running, physical assessment, exercising, conditioning, running drills […]...

GenuTrain® S Pro

Aktiv bandasje med begrensbare leddskinner for sidestabiliering Indikasjoner: Lette og middels ustabiliteter Gonartrose Artritter (f. eks. revmatoid artritt) Meniskskader Egenskaper: De anatomisk forhåndsutformede leddskinnene er termoplastiske og kan etterformes og brukes i føringskanaler på sidene. Leddskinnene kan begrenses i fleksjon på 30°, 60° og 90° og ekstensjon på 20°. To sirkul...